Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Water Pollution , environmental issues in Indonesia

Water is the most important thing in life after air. About three-quarters of our body consists of water, and nobody can survive more than 4-5 days without drinking water. Therefore water is very important for us. But the fact is in Indonesian, clean water condition is very bad. Many regions in Indonesia who do not have clean water or also referred to as water pollution.

Water pollution is a process in which water is clean contaminated by other substances that cause the water is not clean. One example is water plant waste streams affected. In this case the the waste factories that is not in the correct process will cause water pollution, as contained in the waste substances that are harmful to aquatic life and the water itself.

Water pollution can be caused by many things, one of the latter's lack of awareness about the importance of water for life. For example,there are still many Indonesian people who throw garbage at any place.This can impact on our environment, such as flooding and also difficult to get clean water.

Therefore we as Indonesian society, must be aware of the importance of water in our lives. Many ways we can do to reduce the water pollution, for example by hold information about the importance of clean water, holding mutual aid to clean the drains, and make laws about keeping the environment clean.

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