Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

Lack of Education in Indonesia

    Rightly children early childhood through adolescence given supervision and guidance of learning, either by the school or teaching himself from the family. The goal is that children used to learn and recognize the importance of knowledge in get every studying. 
     Because knowledge has an important role in daily life, each child has the right to study. But the state of education in Indonesia not support the statement.  Most of them in fact many are busy making money on the side of a red light. Some are selling newspapers, selling drinks and snacks, and many other businesses that they do to get their money.
    The government's effort to improve education in Indonesia by running a free school program for poor families. But these efforts were not maximized because of how the people who live in rural areas. There's no established facilities or buildings for the school, so most of the children of the village have to travel so far and that could be considered dangerous. Maybe there are also parents who think their children do not have to worry about the school because of the distance of schools from home. Situation like this are cause for serious concern, because these things was the state of education in our country is becoming less learned not to mention the lack of awareness of ourselves.
     Therefore make use knowledge that we get and use our best for ourselves and for our country. Because, that knowledge can be a determinant of our history of success in the future. If we can succeed in the future we can also help improve education in Indonesia, but now we can also help by donating textbooks that we do not wear anymore. Let's improve education with the behavior, actions and attitudes are positive and wise.

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