Minggu, 05 Mei 2013


Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources and has a wide range of characteristics and characteristic of each region in Indonesia. Starting from the location of the region, food, music, clothing and customs that exist in Indonesia was different. For instance Javanese traditional dress of the region could also attracts tourists due to its unique design and simple to make foreign visitors love the design of this Javanese traditional clothes. 

Javanese traditional clothes are usually used by people with hereditary nobility or the royal palace ceremony. Palace during the ceremony they use traditional Javanese dress shirt with floral beskap using blankon caps, fabric side, and footwear cemila complete with keris. This custom clothing for men used during royal ceremonies called Jawi Jangkep. Javanese traditional clothes while women usually use the kebaya by using a pin joint which is then combined with fabric or jarik sinjang with batik patterns, and her hair in a bun comes with jewelry such as earrings, rings, and necklaces with genuine gold and silver materials.

Besides being used for royal ceremonies Javanese traditional clothing is also commonly used during the wedding ceremony. There is also for the ordinary people they only use batik shirt with black cloth trousers, with a belt besaem headband and gloves. It is commonly used clothing for ordinary people who do not belong to the nobility, but just ordinary people who use the clothing and can be used for daily - use traditional Javanese clothes.

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