Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013

Rising Fuel Prices

     Fuel is any material that can be a converted into energy. Our fuel is now a staple part of human, especially fuel oil (BBM). This fuel is always required people to live a life example to fuel their vehicles.
     The government's policy to raise the price of fuel oil (BBM) in the country led to the emergence of a lot of issues and the economy changes drastically. The fuel price increase will certainly be followed by rising prices of goods and services in the community. Of course this will be pros and cons in society, because not all the people in our country who are the same economic level. For people who are able to certainly not really matter if the fuel price rises, but what about the people who are less able? Plus due to higher fuel prices will result in increased prices also our basic necessities such as rice, water, chili, onions and others.
     But the rising price of fuel is also a positive impact, namely: 
  1. The emergence of alternative fuels. Along with the surge in oil prices certainly people trying to find a solution. Are already known by the public is the BBG (Fuel Gas). Price is also cheaper than the price of subsidized fuel. Surely it is not difficult to create an alternative fuel as Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources.
  2. Thrifty budget (State Budget). If the price of fuel has increased, the amount of subsidy released by the government will be reduced. So the state budget can be minimized.
  3. Reducing Air Pollution. If fuel prices rise, people will reduce fuel consumption. So that the exhaust from the fuel can be reduced, and will influence the level of air cleanliness.
     Let us keep our earth especially with our nation's environmental damage. Take advantage of the existing natural resources wisely. Do not let us spoil the behavior of our own country.

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