Minggu, 05 Mei 2013


Indonesia is a country have a variety of characteristic each region and that in Indonesia. Starting from the location of the region, food, music, dress and customs are different in each region. All of that is the result of the culture and heritage of our ancestors. One of them is batik. Batik which has a unique and simple style make batik favored by many people, ranging from local residents as well as foreigners.

Batik is already global. Batik which used to be made by using a wax-painted batik making is now more developed with the use of the machine, better known as batik cap. Now batik has become a trend because batik patterns are developed with the times. But with the development of Batik does not mean forgotten its traditional style, the traditional batik patterns are preserved and are still used in traditional ceremonies. Batik also love combined with traditional clothes from Javanese. 

Batik is also great to use for informal and formal events. Therefore batik is now a clothing design that is often used in our daily life.

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